Sunday, January 1, 2012



Here we are again. You are now 8. Eight years ago I became a mom when you entered the world. What a journey it has been. So many highs and lows... especially in the beginning when exhaustion, post partum depression, and nursing struggles set in. I thought I would never make it. You’re my oldest, my engineer and computer whiz kid, just like Daddy.

What was then…

P1040870_2This is now.

You still love sprinkler systems. And now that you are using the computer more you not only draw sprinkler systems you also create them in power point. You also create intricate road systems and architect awesome houses. These times on the computer are important for you as they give you downtime without being surrounded by your siblings.


Building an above ground sprinkler systems.

One of your most memorable days this year was when you build a computer with Daddy. You were so excited and learned a lot through the process.

There are days when you suck the life out of me; these days I am depleted of every ounce of energy and patience. And then there are days that, through your amazingly creative mind, you take the daily grind of life and give it an awesome perspective, by taking simple supplies and creating the most amazing "sculptures" of the things in the world around you. These creations make me smile and thank God for your amazingly inquisitive mind.

This mother thing isn't easy for me. And there are many things I am sorry for. As the oldest there are things that I have tried with you that I now know were wrong and unfair. Not long ago, we were able to have a great conversation around this very thing and I'm glad you were able to forgive me for all the times I royally screwed up. I don't know what it is like to be the oldest, this isn't the position I hold in my family. But I have gotten to know you better and better over the years. I have realized what works for you and what sets you off. This doesn't mean that I am not going to mess up a millions more times. I'm sure glad that we have a God that forgives us and teaches us to forgive others.

God has hand picked me to be your mother. There are some days you tell me you want a different mom… but you are stuck with me. I pray that God would give me the wisdom to mother you in a way that you mature into a confident secure Godly young man.

Happy Birthday!

I love you.


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