Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sickness Explained

I have tested positive for Lyme Disease.  I am not thrilled about this result (obviously) but I am also glad to have an explanation to my strange and weird symptoms.  My diagnosis of Shingles back in May was actually a really bad rash which originated from the tick bite.  My diagnosis with Step Throat and Mono in July was all related to the Lyme.  My constant jaw pain is also related to the Lyme.  I have to thank a friend of mine who encouraged me and referred me to a doctor who specializes in Lyme Disease.  The doc thinks we have caught it early enough for treatment to be successful.  I am now on the road to recovery and am excited to start to feeling strong and healthy again.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Washing Clothes.

She sees me wash pots with water.  She sees me water flowers and rinse dirty toys with the hose.  She knows the washing machine uses water to wash clothes.  She is cleaned with water and soap.  So when I found that Kenzie had removed her bathing suit and was washing it in the toilet (she added some soap) how could I be surprised?

Me: Kenzie! What are you doing?

Kenzie: Mama I am rinsing my bathing suit in the toilet.

Me: Now lets put it in the washing machine.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Joys of Motherhood

Tonight we took a family trip to Kmart (my kids call it The Big K).  Kenzie had a little accident, you know the kind when you can’t hold “it” anymore and suddenly you are standing in a puddle of urine (not that this has happened to me recently).  She has been trained for a while but when you are free to roam in a very large store (which I only allowed because the hubby was with me) all the rules about making sure you tell me if you have to “go pee” are off.  I walked over to the restroom, which happened to be close by, grabbed lots and lots of paper towels.  I figured I would clean up the urine mess.  I could have politely asked for janitorial services to assist in the clean up… I didn’t.  As I was finished washing the floor in The Big K, I began to walk and down I went, hard.  This was not what I would call a graceful fall, if there is such a thing.  It was like me body completely collapsed.   My pants now wet with my daughter’s urine, my knee throbbing in pain I stand up to find that in my fall my flip flop has completely busted.  I am now walking threw the store with paper towels wet with urine, pants wet with urine, a swollen knee, and one shoe.  The joys of motherhood.