Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nature Hike

I took all 4 kids on a short hike last week, I guess I was feeling motivated and ambitious. They each took a bag and were told they could gather a few things off the trail (i.e acorns, leaves). I also told them that there may be things that they find interesting but can't be removed from the trail: 1.because we want everyone to enjoy seeing the interesting things we see along the path, 2. there are also things that you may see with your supersonic seeing ability that I don't want in my house. These things that are discovered will be photographed.


Here they are ready to go.


My girls gathering acorns to make acorn rings.


Korben’s  first interesting mushroom discovery.  This stayed exactly where God intended it to be.


Koah’s interesting discovery. His words when he spotted this, “That looks like gorilla poop.”  Not sure how he knows what gorilla poop looks like.


Post hike picture.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Final Flower



Winter is on the horizon….