Wednesday, September 7, 2005

We've got an active one.

Kenzie, our little climber.

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Sunday, September 4, 2005

Friday, September 2, 2005

First Steps

Makenzie gets extremely frustrated when she can't get to her toys fast enough, especially if Korben is around to get to them first. She was just as determined to walk as she was to crawl.  Today she took her first 2 steps. Jeff and I got extremely excited for MK and during this exciting moment MK received most of our attention.  Korben didn't take well to this sudden shift in attention, so in plane Korben style he decided that he needed to demonstrate his walking abilities.  With bent knees, a hunched over back, and arms hanging limb he began to waddle around the kitchen...and then the bedroom and onto the living room.  We cheered for Korben just as we did Makenzie but wait isn't Makenzie supposed to learn from Korben not the other way around. :)