Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Freya!

Dear Freya,

My baby girl. I just love having another girl in the house, thanks for evening out the number to 3 and 3.

It has been quite a year. I'm not sure how we got here so quickly. You're 1 already.


There were days with you that I wasn't sure I would survive. But you reassured me with your laugh and smiles that you were perfectly placed in this family, our family, our baby.

You are a little bean. On those silly charts at the pediatricians office you fall way below "the curve". You are in the negative percentile. The important thing is that you are growing and I watch you getting stronger and stronger each day. You may be small but your lungs work very well.

You have become quite attached to me lately. And there are times this attachment drives me crazy because you want me and only me. But I treasure this special bond we share as mother and daughter.

Your personality is coming forth more and more each day. And for as small as you are you don't let that stop you from pushing your way to the forefront of this family. Your fierce and determined. And this determination keeps you on the move to do what ever it is you want to do and get to wherever you want to go.


Thank you for helping me see the beauty in the little things in life, like a blade of grass or an ant. It is so much fun to watch you explore the world around you and discover all the small things, that we as adults, look over.

You've fallen down the basement stairs and the stairs to the second floor. You also managed to stick you finger in between a plug that was half way plugged in and the outlet it was plugged into. I guess this is what happens when you’re number 4, you live and learn, because mom seems so busy with others things that she can't stop and explain the importance of not sticking your finger in an electrical outlet.

I've written this several other times to your siblings but I pray that I can be the mother you need. I know God perfectly placed you in our family because we are the perfect parents for you but we are certainly not perfect in character. I pray that as you grow you will have a desire to know our gracious God who forgives us and has saved us.

I pray you follow your dreams and you work hard to achieve them. You have a fire in your eyes and I just know that God has big plans for you. I pray you use the talents and gifts you've been given to serve a God who is so in love with you.

You're name means noble women. I looked up the word noble and found that a synonym for it was honorable. It is not easy in this world to do what is honorable and right but my prayer is that I can teach you and carefully guide you, without pushing to hard, to do what is right and noble.

I love you.


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