Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Koah Bean!

Koah turned 1 on June 5th.. finally his birthday letter is posted.

To My Little Man,
It been quite a year. You're my number 3 and for that alone you have had to put up with a lot. But you make sure you are not forgotten, maybe when you are 3rd you do anything possible to get some attention. The truth be told though, there are times that I do forget about you. These are the times I find you playing in the toilet water, standing on top of the play kitchen, in the front yard (when 30 seconds prior you were in the back) marching down the sidewalk at your own pace (your only pace... full speed ahead), or carrying knifes confiscated from the open dishwasher. Speaking of the dishwasher, I wish I could understand your fascination with this appliance. When you hear the dishwasher door open you make a bee line for it, where you then climb on the open dishwasher door to then pull out the racks, to hold the glasses… you are such a great helper. :)

Each day I see more and more of your personality being exposed. It's exciting. You are a determined little man and you get mad, real mad, when you don't get what you want. And you are persistent in trying as many ways as possible to get whatever it is you want. You also possess a laid back kind a personality, but this is not by choice. Often times your brother treats you like a stuffed animal, and you just go with it, cause you have to in order to survive. I like to say you just have to roll with it.

Throughout your first year of life you've been injured more times that your brother and sister combined in year their 5 and 4 years of life. I can always find as least a few bruises and scrapes on your body somewhere. I hope you forgive me for allowing you to nap in the van with the door open on a bright sunny day thus inflicting 3rd degree sunburn on your face. Or for the time you took a tumble down the basement stairs. And for all the others.

By my third baby I was a veteran, or so I thought. But you decided to shatter every expectation I had about babies. All babies like the car and falling asleep in it; but not you. I held you and/or nursed you for 5 straight hours on our trip to Lake George, NY when you were ten weeks old. When you were 4 months we drove to South Carolina but still you didn't like the car. You were nursed and held quite a bit on that car trip too and as for me, well I was pretty much miserable. You didn't like the baby swing, the bouncy seat, the baby carrier, or the wrap. You wanted to be on your own 2 feet at all times which is why you were fully walking at 9 months. You didn't want to be fed, you had to feed yourself.

I have to admit you are exhausting not only because you are a terrible sleeper but also because you never stop moving… if you are awake you are moving. You travel at one speed, fast!

You have brought a fun humorous vibe to our family. When life is spinning out of control, you , with your pure innocence and carefree spirit make us laugh, uncontrollably. Through our journey together I will and I have made many mistakes but always know that no matter where you are or what you do, you will always have a mother who loves you.

Your Mama

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