Monday, December 17, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday My Kenzie Girl.

Dear Kenzie,

You are now 3 years old. Everyday you never cease to amaze me.

You have an amazing way of expressing yourself through your words and your actions. Your already huge vocabulary expands everyday as you never forget any new words you are taught.  Your memory is unbelievable.

You have such a tender spirit and a genuine concern for others, no matter who and it is seen when we are out.  When you hear a baby crying you immediately say to me, “Mama, a baby is crying; is the baby ok?”  Over the summer you heard a baby crying when we were out getting ice cream.  We were outside sitting on benches eating our ice cream.  A mother walked by with a baby crying in the stroller and you followed the stroller to make sure the baby was ok. 

You love soft things, stuffed animals, blankets, pillows. When I hand you something soft you immediately bring it to your cheek.  Your favorites are Marty Monkey and your lamby, which most of the day is close by your side.

You have an obsession with paint, glue, crayons, Play-Doh, scissors, and markers (both washable and permanent). You especially love to paint and draw on your body.  You have discovered that painting your hand yields a better handprint than markering your hand for a print.  You have tried both; on both hands and feet.

You also have an obsession with water.  It does not matter where is comes from; you love water.  Water from the faucet, from the hose, from the pool, or from the toilet; you LOVE water. You love to pour it, splash in it, dump it on Korben, spray it, and drink it. 

I call you my explorer.  You love to perform experiments.  For example, how much shampoo does it take to fill a sink, how much lipstick does it take to cover ones face, how many piano keys can I paint with toothpaste before Mama realizes that I am not in my room napping.?  How many tiny pieces of paper can I cut an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper into?  Did I mention you love to cut EVERYTHING… paper, your hair, books, my yarn and thread, the couch?  You are amazingly coordinated, especially with scissors; you’ve had a lot of practice.

You also love to sing.  Singing is your method of putting yourself to sleep.  One song then leads to another and another, until ya can’t sing anymore.  Some nights I just listen to you and you know something, you are really pretty good. 

These are only a few things about what makes you who you are.  It has been an exciting year with you.  This coming year you will become a big sister and you will be the best sister ever.

I love you Kenzie girl.  My pregnancy with you was a big surprise but God knew what he was doing when He gave you to me.  You have been blessing and treasure to our family since the moment you arrived.  I pray that God keeps you healthy this year as I can’t wait for what surprises you have in store for our family as you grow and develop into a 4 year old. Happy 3rd Birthday!

Love, Mama

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